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9 Outdoor Activities to Get Your Blood Pumping

Here in sunny California, we are fortunate enough to have pretty amazing weather all year round! But just because it may be cold where you live that is no reason not to bundle up and enjoy the beautiful outdoors! Here are 9 of my favorite outdoor activites that actaully count as an amazing workout too! XO, The Busy Gals

1. 30 Minute Beach Walk

Walking on sand burns more calories than walking on concrete! So take off your shoes and get on that sand!

2. Hike to the Peak

How rewarding is it when you finally reach a big goal you have been working on? Now imagine reaching the peak of your favorite mountain. For anyone in LA, my favorite is Mount Baldy, the tallest peak in Los Angeles.

3. Cruise on Your Cruiser

Take some time to get out on your bike or beach cruiser! Don't forget to race your friends!

4. Get Wet

Find your nearest pool or get in that big blue ocean to swim some laps. Even treading water can burn up to 300 calories an hour!

5. Have some Team Spirit

Check your local adult sports teams for some fun team spirit! No matter what your favorite sport is, there will probably be a team for you!

6. Take Your Fur Baby for a Run

Get Fido's butt out of bed and you have an instant running buddy!

7. Hit the Slopes

Check out the local ski resorts for a day trip away on the snow! Both skiing and snowboarding are great full body work outs that emphasis the legs!

8. Row, Row, Row

Every seen how great crew team's arms are? Try renting out a kayak and spend a day in the sun working on some killer arms and back muscles!

9. Stair Drills

They aren't easy but that will for sure kick your butt (and make it perkier)! Pick out 5 drills and run those stairs Busy Gal!

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